Batman robin gay porn comic

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And I - I don’t know what it meant to me. And I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, about that night. New York Post illustrationĪt Bernard’s door, Drake stammers, “I’m really glad you got home okay. You got this.” Robin is officially queer, according to the latest “Batman: Urban Legends” in which the hero agrees to on a date with character Bernard Dowd. After the hero ultimately rescues Bernard, Robin later pays him a visit at his apartment.Īs Drake, the character can be seen psyching himself up for greeting Bernard: “It’s OK, Tim. Robin’s bisexual narrative unfolds in what one fan calls a “lightbulb moment” as he and Bernard find themselves in a streetside brawl. 27.1k Views 76 Images 62 16 DBcomix 3D Porn Comics Parodies 3D Comic Anal Bondage Forced Lesbian & Yuri & Girls Only Parody: Batman Parody: Justice League Parody: Power Girl Parody: Wonder Woman Spanking Superheroes. In the latest installment of “Batman: Urban Legends,” the DC comic book character Tim Drake - a k a the Caped Crusader’s sidekick Robin - accepts an invitation to go on a date with a man named Bernard Dowd - thereby confirming Robin’s LGBTQ status, TMZ has reported. New Arkham For Superheroines 2 The Great Escape comic porn. Josh Brolin reveals why he wasn’t Batman - but Ben Affleck was Neal Adams, legendary comic book creator and Batman artist, dead at 80 Joe Rogan dethroned on Spotify by Batman podcast

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